Home Owner Documentation Form

    Photos Required for Solar Energy System Design

    To create a precise and efficient solar energy system design for your home, I rely on accurate information about your electrical panel and its configuration. Below are the essential photos required to ensure a seamless solar installation tailored to your needs.

    Ensure the photos are well-lit and clear for accurate assessment. Label each photo with the corresponding panel or breaker name if there are multiple panels.

    Upload the photos securely through the form below, or I can save you time and effort by taking them for you as part of your consultation and assessment.

    By providing these photos, you’ll help my team create a tailored solar energy system design that optimizes energy production and ensures a smooth installation process. I value your cooperation in this crucial step toward your solar journey.

    A Photo of Your Latest NV Energy Statement

    • A photo or scan of your NV Energy Statement.
    • A PDF can be downloaded from the NV Energy website.

    Main Breaker Closeup

    • Photo: A clear closeup image of your electrical panel’s main breaker. This breaker is the primary switch that controls the flow of electricity into your home. : It's typically located at the top of the panel, but may be adjacent to the electric meter.
    • Purpose: To determine the size and capacity of your main electrical service.

    Interior of the Electrical Panel Showing Sub-Breakers

    • Photo: An interior shot of your electrical panel with the cover removed, clearly showing the sub-breakers beneath the main breaker.
    • Purpose: To assess the number and capacity of the sub-breakers and understand your electrical distribution.

    Labels on the Panel

    • Photo: Closeup images of any labels or markings on the electrical panel, including voltage ratings and manufacturer information.
    • Purpose: To gather essential technical details about the panel.

    Exterior of the Electrical Panel (3 to 6 Feet Away)

    • Photo: A wider shot of the electrical panel from 3 to 6 feet, capturing the surroundings.
    • Purpose: To identify any potential obstructions, pipes, or safety considerations near the panel that may impact solar panel placement.

    Exterior of House (2 photos should be sufficient)

    • Photo: Exterior views of the house showing the roof.
    • Purpose: To identify any shading from trees, buildings, or any structures that are may shade the roof but not be seen from an ariel view.

    Additional Photos (If Sub-Panels are Present)

    If your home has sub-panels connected to the main panel, I will need the same four photos (1-4) for each sub-panel

    Download Free E-Book: How to Avoid Costly Mistakes When Installing a Solar Energy System